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The Break


My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

" 'Myself and Hugh . . . We're taking a break.'
'A city-with-fancy-food sort of break?'
If only.
Amy's husband Hugh says he isn't leaving her.

He still loves her, he's just taking a break - from their marriage, their children, and, most of all, from their life together. Six months to lose himself in south-east Asia. And there is nothing Amy can say or do about it.

Yes, it's a mid-life crisis, but let's be clear: a break isn't a break up - yet . . .

However, for Amy, it's enough to send her - along with her extended family of gossips, misfits, and troublemakers - teetering over the edge.

For a lot can happen in six-months. When Hugh returns if he returns, will he be the same man she married? And will Amy be the same woman?

Because if Hugh is on a break from their marriage, then isn't she? "
~ From Goodreads ~

This was a tough one to read. So many emotions, so many truths, and so many happenable situations put together into a delightful, funny and light read.

Life is like that I guess. you get a lot of stuff thrown at you and you figure out how to solve the multiple issues that come with it. People, relations, emotions, work, ethics, morals, friendships, and the actual reality of it all. 

A six-month "break" from marriage is an interesting premise. Something that I have never come across before. That is what intrigued me about this book when I saw it in my audiobook library.  

After living almost five decades on this earth, I have to say that I agree with so many of the things said in this book. Maybe because I believe in change, I believe in people and I believe that people do things that are bad but are not necessarily bad people. Then there are others who are better off kept far away from your life. 

This book left a melancholy feel in me. It doesn't mean that I agree with everything that happens in this story or that I endorse it in any way, but it is a story worth reading. You will need to take it with a grain of salt. 

And it fits perfectly with the following prompts: 

Monthly Motif Reading Challenge 2021FEBRUARY- Laughter and Love. Read a relationship story, romance, comedy, or feel-good contemporary.

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2021A book about do-overs or fresh starts


  1. Hmm..sounds quite intriguing to me, Jyoti! I'd be very keen to see where the story takes these two characters and what comes out of the "break" that has put so many people on the edge! Nice review and what I love about your review is how you've left u wondering about the book, so it kind of makes one pick it up and read it. :)

    1. I am glad you like the way I write about books here. These are my bookish views. :-)

  2. Sounds like the kind of book I'll enjoy. Adding this to my TBR.


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